My favorite thing about 3D Printing – pt 2

A few days ago I found my kid's headphones on the floor - the right earphone was dangling awkwardly away from the headband. It got stepped on, or dropped, or something like that. The plastic piece that held the earphone in place was shattered. There was a time where I would have thought it beyond hope, but I live in the future - I bet I could 3D Print a [...]

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Early Morning Project: RasPi Zero Roomba

I can't sleep. Instead of sleeping, I'm hacking robots. Last year during my winter holiday I wired up a Raspberry Pi to my Roomba, to drive it around and such. More recently I [...]

Programming an nRF52 on a Mac

  Several months ago, I went to promotional conference for a microcontroller on a whim. I'd heard about it the night before, and after some investigation I found out I [...]

Weekend Project: Wireless outlet control

I mentioned briefly in my post about controlling LEDs with my Amazon Echo that I have some wireless outlet switches that I wanted to control. At the time I didn't have a [...]

Weekend Project: Amazon Echo LED Control

As I mentioned last week, I got an Amazon Echo for Christmas. The first time I heard about it I thought "Meh, I already have a phone that does that". Then I heard people [...]

HTTPS; Get yours today!

You've seen it before, that little lock next to the URL on a website. Typically, we associate it with banking, or online shopping, or something else that needs to be [...]

“It’s a Wonderful Life”

I love this movie. Hykel... less so. I mostly like the first half, everything up to uncle Billy losing the money. In my most recent viewing, I skipped everything after that [...]

Boxing day

Did you know the day after Christmas is boxing day? You probably did. I think most people know, but the celebration thereof is often limited to countries that belong to the [...]

Alexa, write a post on my blog

Today is Christmas, It was a wonderful day of exchanging gifts with my wife, playing with new toys, enjoying each other's company, and basically laying about. One of the [...]

Christmas Eve Party!

I am in my mid-thirties. In spite of this, Christmas brings out the 6-year-old in me, and I very often will wake up early on Christmas morning. We figured that if we could [...]

Adventures in Baking… erm, Frying?

I enjoy baking a lot. I have ever since I was a kid. In a lot of ways, I think baking is just another form of being a Maker: Creating something on your own, and being able [...]