I’ve run into two hiccups in the last few weeks that are making me adjust course a little bit:
1) I had to switch graphics libraries. The Adafruit GFX and SSD1306 libraries are really only built for the displays that Adafruit sells. This is entirely reasonable, but my target display was a different aspect ratio – 64×48 – instead of the 128×64 or 128×32 displays that they offer. I could draw to the screen, but the output wasn’t right. So I moved to the very accommodating G8U2 library. This library supports displays of every stripe. It is really impressive. I got all my various “screens” that I wanted to draw rebuilt in that library.

2)ย As I mentioned in my last log, I needed a programmer for the CH32V003. The programmer (A WCH-Linkย E) arrived.
This is where the new challenges show up:
I’ve been developing on an ESP8266 WEMOS module. It was a quick and easy solution to get to an MVP. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention and the CH32V003 doesn’t remotely have the kind of Flash storage that the module does.
The Module’s is 1MB. The CH32V003 has a paltry 16KB. This is plenty in relative terms, but it does make using the library a more complex task. It seems like it is compiling unnecessary features into the file. I may just bail on it and implement my own drawing routines.
Also, due to Apple’s aggressive code signing policy I haven’t been able to program the chip from my Apple Silicon Mac (it doesn’t like that the libusb that the programmer needs isn’t signed for that use by the appropriate team). Fortunately My old intel Mac is okay with it all, so I am able to program from there.