I love this movie. Hykel... less so.
I mostly like the first half, everything up to uncle Billy losing the money. In my most recent viewing, I skipped [...]
Did you know the day after Christmas is boxing day? You probably did. I think most people know, but the celebration thereof is often limited to countries [...]
Today is Christmas, It was a wonderful day of exchanging gifts with my wife, playing with new toys, enjoying each other's company, and basically laying [...]
I am in my mid-thirties. In spite of this, Christmas brings out the 6-year-old in me, and I very often will wake up early on Christmas morning. We figured [...]
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I enjoy baking a lot. I have ever since I was a kid. In a lot of ways, I think baking is just another form of being a Maker: Creating something on your own, [...]
We've owned a Roomba for years. I wanted one for a few years before that and the thing that has been most attractive about it to me has been the ability to [...]
Hykel and I watched Prep & Landing: Naughty vs Nice a couple of nights ago. Everything I'm going to talk about should be ignored mostly because this is [...]
For some, it's the Star Wars Day. For me, my showing technically comes tomorrow, midnight actually. I am excited more than I can really describe. In [...]
Comments Off on MakerFaire Project (2015) – Part 2
When last we left our hero, he had made sizable progress on his robot, only to be stumbled by it's devious brain!!!
The Teensy 3.x is my Go-to embedded [...]
Comments Off on MakerFaire Project (2015) – Part 1
This started out as a "Project of the Week" post, but As it started to take form, and started to stretch beyond a week, I decided I wanted to make a more [...]
“It’s a Wonderful Life”