Author: Aaron

The Second Coming of the Electric Car

I've had a love affair with the Electric Vehicle (EV) for a few years now. I wish I could say I found it on my own, but I really only got into after watching [...]

Waiting for the E-Reader war to heat up…

If you would have asked me about e-readers a year ago, I would have told you that I knew Sony made one, the Kindle was pretty awesome, and there were a bunch [...]

Arduino Starter Rundown – Part 2

Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at I invite you to check it out there. When [...]

Fun with IR

I've got a project coming up that deals with IR data transmission, so I thought I'd take some time and make a simple IR circuit to prove that I could. This is [...]

Google Chrome is a good idea, but there’s a coming problem.

With the recent announcement of Google's Chrome OS, I think the dreams of many of us are beginning to show signs of reality. Those dreams have to do with [...]

Arduino Starter Rundown

Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at I invite you to check it out there. If you [...]

My Macbook Mini

"MacBook Mini" is a name that has been attached to making a hackintosh out of a Dell Mini 9 (or a Vostro A90... same machine really). When Hykel decided to fly [...]

Finding my Footing

Back in February I decided to make a change to this website. It had gone from being a professional showcase to a blog. Part of the change was inspired by my [...]

WWDC Keynote reflections

First off: No, I was not actually present at the keynote this morning. I was watching updates flow in through the news feed while at work. I wish I had been [...]

The garage you’ve always wanted: TechShop Portland

A few years back I started to get more nerdy than I had ever been. By more nerdy, I mean that I began to take an interest in a wide variety of things that [...]