I should start out by warning you that this is not a build-log. My friend Isaac reminded me that before we started this project, this was blogging gold, and he [...]
Comments Off on Y’know, that one song… from the 50’s?
So last night I was looking for a song that I've heard a million times, but have never known the name of. It's an instrumental, and I'm pretty confident that [...]
Well, I tried, and everybody I know tried. None of us made it. It's unfortunate, but I don't think any of us are going to die. If you haven't heard about [...]
Christmas is upon us, and we have gotten ourselves a Christmas tree. My wife and I are dedicated Tree-Killers Live-Christmas-Tree-Advocates. We just like the [...]
DRM, You've probably heard of it. Digital Rights Management. Bane of legitimate users, irritant of illigitimate users, hopeful tool of content owners. By those [...]
You know I'm an Apple nerd. No one who builds a Hackintosh and sticks it in a G4 cube should be considered anything less than such. Naturally you'll be able to [...]
Comments Off on The Second Coming of the Electric Car
I've had a love affair with the Electric Vehicle (EV) for a few years now. I wish I could say I found it on my own, but I really only got into after watching [...]
Comments Off on Waiting for the E-Reader war to heat up…
If you would have asked me about e-readers a year ago, I would have told you that I knew Sony made one, the Kindle was pretty awesome, and there were a bunch [...]
Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at ConductiveResistance.com. I invite you to check it out there.
When I [...]
I've got a project coming up that deals with IR data transmission, so I thought I'd take some time and make a simple IR circuit to prove that I could. This is [...]
SparkFun Free Day Fallout.