My favorite thing about 3D Printing – pt 2

A few days ago I found my kid's headphones on the floor - the right earphone was dangling awkwardly away from the headband. It got stepped on, or dropped, or something like that. The plastic piece that held the earphone in place was shattered. There was a time where I would have thought it beyond hope, but I live in the future - I bet I could 3D Print a [...]

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Y’know, that one song… from the 50’s?

So last night I was looking for a song that I've heard a million times, but have never known the name of. It's an instrumental, and I'm pretty confident that you've heard it [...]

SparkFun Free Day Fallout.

Well, I tried, and everybody I know tried. None of us made it. It's unfortunate, but I don't think any of us are going to die. If you haven't heard about SparkFun Electronics' [...]

Weekend Project: Tree-Waterer

Christmas is upon us, and we have gotten ourselves a Christmas tree. My wife and I are dedicated Tree-Killers Live-Christmas-Tree-Advocates. We just like the feeling of a live [...]

Being a lousy advocate: Me and DRM

DRM, You've probably heard of it. Digital Rights Management. Bane of legitimate users, irritant of illigitimate users, hopeful tool of content owners. By those 3 statements, I [...]

The iPhone Dilemma

You know I'm an Apple nerd. No one who builds a Hackintosh and sticks it in a G4 cube should be considered anything less than such. Naturally you'll be able to guess that I'm [...]

The Second Coming of the Electric Car

I've had a love affair with the Electric Vehicle (EV) for a few years now. I wish I could say I found it on my own, but I really only got into after watching Who Killed the [...]

Waiting for the E-Reader war to heat up…

If you would have asked me about e-readers a year ago, I would have told you that I knew Sony made one, the Kindle was pretty awesome, and there were a bunch more that were [...]

Arduino Starter Rundown – Part 2

Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at I invite you to check it out there. When I wrote the first [...]

Fun with IR

I've got a project coming up that deals with IR data transmission, so I thought I'd take some time and make a simple IR circuit to prove that I could. This is a very very [...]

Google Chrome is a good idea, but there’s a coming problem.

With the recent announcement of Google's Chrome OS, I think the dreams of many of us are beginning to show signs of reality. Those dreams have to do with computers, and how [...]